Posts Tagged ‘Ferguson’

The New Yorker

Posted: 26th August 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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Ferguson, Missouri


” Ferguson, Missouri” by Eric Drooker

“The police shooting of Michael Brown resonates on a personal level with me,” Eric Drooker says about next week’s cover, which was inspired by images from the scene.* (One of the most iconic was by Scott Olson, a Getty photographer, who was detained by police there.) “An artist friend of mine was killed by a cop in lower Manhattan, back in 1991. He happened to be black, and the police officer was never indicted.” Drooker continues, “As a resident of Manhattan’s Lower East Side, I witnessed the blurring distinctions between the police and military during the Tompkins Square riots of the eighties. I’ll never forget the day the N.Y.P.D. showed up in a military tank to evict nonviolent squatter friends from buildings on Avenue B and Thirteenth Street, where I grew up. This incident triggered a vivid childhood memory of the police driving a similar armored tank on East Fourteenth street, in 1968, to quell possible ‘disturbances’ after Martin Luther King was assassinated.
