Posts Tagged ‘Beach’

This entry is part 170 of 187 in the series various comics



by Gemma Correll

The New Yorker

Posted: 20th August 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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This entry is part 6 of 28 in the series magazine covers




Danny Shanahan discusses the inspiration behind his cover of this week’s issue.

“I used to always go in the ocean, but the last few times I’ve been to the beach, I’ve done exactly what those guys are doing,” Danny Shanahan says about this week’s cover. Shanahan didn’t tell us how he wears his trunks, but he explained why he now stays close to the shore. “The last three consecutive times I went in at the Cape, I ended up with a scratched cornea and in the urgent-care center there. Three times in a row, and it was just incredible pain. I couldn’t open my eyes, I couldn’t close my eyes, all because I had opened them underwater and got sand in there. It was just unbearable. So now I tend to either go to the mountains or play golf. The last vacation I had, I went to Scotland and played golf, and I didn’t even think about going in the water. I didn’t have to—with all the rain, the water comes to you.”




“Venus on the Beach” by Roz Chast 

“For me, seeing the ocean is just very primal,” Roz Chast says about her “Venus on the Beach” cover. We reached Chast in Narragansett, where she’s vacationing with her family. “We’ve been coming up here for about twenty-five years,” she continues “I feel like I have to go back every summer. I don’t know. I need to see the ocean again—to make sure it’s still there, I guess. And I go in eventually, no matter what the weather. Maybe this has something to do with growing up in Brooklyn and always going to the beach when I was a kid. First to Brighton, and then to Manhattan Beach. Now going to the beach is a very important part of my life, and of our kids’ lives—at least in the summer.”




This entry is part 10 of 15 in the series Retro Hector

chilling on a beach 1

chilling on a beach 2

chilling on beach 3


For more  Small Talks  click HERE by Retro Hector


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by: pbfcomics via:thisisnthappiness

 Pawel Kuczynski


The CarThe Car

The Newspaper

The Newspaper

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The Manual





The Sun

The Sun








Με όποιον δάσκαλο καθήσεις, τέτοια γράμματα θα μάθεις, λέει η παροιμία. Προσπεράστε λοιπόν το σημερινό …”μάθημα”.

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