Posts Tagged ‘Smiths Comic Strip’

This entry is part 142 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


O Steven Morrissey και ο John Maher αλλάζουν τα ονόματα τους σε (σκέτο) Morrissey και Johnny Marr.


Steven Morrissey and John Maher change their names to Morrissey and Johnny Marr.


This entry is part 140 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths




O Johnny Marr μιλάει για την σχέση βαθιάς φιλίας και κατανόησης που είχε με τον Morrissey. It’s time that the tale were told!


Johnny Marr talks about his true friendship with Morrissey and their understanding of one another. It’s time that the tale were told!
This entry is part 138 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths





Ο Johnny και ο Morrissey συζητούν για την στρατηγική του συγκροτήματος και αποφασίζουν να ξεφορτωθούν μέλος της μπάντας για πρώτη (και όχι τελευταία) φορά.It’s time that the tale were told!



Johnny and Morrissey talk band strategy and decide to get rid of a fellow member for the first (and not last) time.
It’s time that the tale were told!


This entry is part 135 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths



Ο Morrissey και ο Johnny Marr γράφουν μαζί το τρίτο τους τραγούδι, Suffer Little Children. It’s time that the tale were told!
Morrissey and Marr write together their third song, Suffer Little Children. It’s time that the tale were told!
This entry is part 134 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


Ο Morrissey και ο Johnny Marr γράφουν μαζί το πρώτο τους τραγούδι, The Hand That Rocks The Cradle.
It’s time that the tale were told!



Morrissey and Johnny Marr write their first song together, The Hand That Rocks The Cradle… It’s time that the tale were told!
This entry is part 132 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths



Johnny Marr & Steven Morrissey, το ξεκίνημα της συνεργασίας. It’s time that the tale were told!



Johnny Marr & Steven Morrissey… It’s time that the tale were told!

This entry is part 131 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths



Ο Johnny Marr συναντάει τον Steven Morrissey. Tελευταίο μέρος τη σειράς, διαβάστε την ολόκληρη  ΕΔΩ


Johnny Marr meets Steven Morrissey.  Final part, read the entire series HERE

This entry is part 129 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


Ο Johnny Marr συναντάει τον Steven Morrissey.
Διαβάστε τη σειρά ΕΔΩ



 Johnny Marr meets Steven Morrissey.  Read the entire series HERE